vegetables for your benefits

vegetables for your benefits

First, vegetables give us a good stomach, help to suppress flatulence

Some people think that vegetables seem to cause " flatulence ." But in fact, the rich fiber in the vegetables just helps us to "rush" the waste in the stomach and promote gastrointestinal motility. 

If you are still worried that eating green vegetables will "swell", you can start with steamed, boiled vegetables and slowly adjust to lettuce.

Second, vegetables give us good skin, eliminate edema

 Modern people tend to take too much salt, and the rich water and "potassium" in vegetables also help to eliminate salt and avoid edema . 

At the same time, sufficient water can help the skin hydrate, "vegetable nutrients" can also prevent the production of wrinkles and dark spots, play the role of "natural care products", let our skin Q bright!

Third, vegetables give us a good mood, discharge pressure

 The rich vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids in vegetables can help us fight anxiety and concentration. 

In addition, potassium and magnesium can help us relax blood vessels and maintain blood sugar . It is even more a gossip for a friend who is nervous about blood pressure and blood sugar.

Fourth, vegetables give us good bones, solid energy

Most people think that dairy products can protect our bones, but in fact, vegetables are also rich in calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K needed to build bone. Among them, tomatoes have been proven to contribute the most to bone health. Can you swallow calcium tablets? Let's have a tomato first !

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