Apple Benefits For Skin

Apple Benefits For Skin

An apple a day , keeps the doctor away. 
Most people don't like apple peel, but in fact it contains more dietary fiber and vitamins than flesh, which can help digestion and weight loss. 

In addition, the antioxidant "quercetin" protects the lungs and prevents Alzheimer's disease. Even the triterpenoids in its composition have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. Come check it out!

1. The most dietary fiber:

The fruit of a medium-sized apple has a dietary fiber content of about 4.4 grams, but the dietary fiber in apple meat is only 2.1 grams, which is more than half of the apple skin.

2. The most vitamins:

A medium-sized apple contains about 8.4 mg of vitamin C and about 98 international units (IU) of vitamin A. However, after peeling, the vitamins of apple pulp are only 6.4 mg and 61 international units.

3. Protect lung function:

The American Journal of Health published a study by St. George's Medical School in London, England, which pointed out that the apple skin is rich in natural antioxidant "quercetin", which protects the lungs from contaminants. Eating at least 5 apples can improve lung and respiratory function.

4. Protect memory:

A mouse study in 2004 found that quercetin contained in apple skin helps prevent brain damage in degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, and moderate intake helps to protect memory.

5. With anti-cancer effect:

A study by Professor Liu Ruihai, a food science expert at Cornell University, and colleagues found that more than a dozen triterpenoids found in apple skin can inhibit the growth of cancer cells such as liver cancer, colon cancer or breast cancer. Dead cancer cells.

6. Help weight loss:

Apple peel not only has high fiber and low calorie properties, but its ursolic acid can promote the formation of muscle and brown fat, help burn white fat that causes obesity, and help to improve weight loss.

7 benefits of eating apples regularly

One apple a day, doctor away from me, how good is Apple in the end: 

1 low calorie: only 60 ~ 100 big card 

2 containing 5 grams of fiber and 20 grams of carbohydrates 

3 rich in fiber, pectin, antioxidant

4 Helps fight respiratory diseases and colon cancer 

5 contains boron, maintains bone density, protects the heart 

6 protects teeth, prevents urinary tract infections 

7 prevents strokes

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